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Breaking News: Warren's Mystery Sign Artist Finally Revealed!

After weeks of speculation surrounding the mysterious creator behind Warren, Michigan's very own version of the iconic Hollywood sign, the veil of anonymity has finally been lifted. Initially garnering attention for its amateur design and humble materials, including cheap cardboard, the origins of the Warren sign remained shrouded in mystery. However, following a diligent investigation by a private detective, the enigmatic artist has been unmasked as none other than Warren's former Mayor, Jim Fouts, now going by the moniker "JFouts." Renouncing his political past, Fouts revealed his newfound focus on art and music, boldly asserting his creative identity. "I'm done with politics! Anyway, I'm out," declared the ex-mayor. Fouts, also teasing his musical endeavors on platforms like Spotify, has firmly stepped into the limelight as the mastermind behind Warren's charming landmark. With this revelation, the community can now appreciate the sign's beauty with a newfound understanding of its creator's identity.

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