In a shocking incident in 2022, Dave, a resident of Roseville, Michigan, suffered a severe accident during his backyard fireworks display. Dave, attempting a grand finale, taped mortars to his limbs, believing they would harmlessly fly off with only minor burns. Instead, the mortars exploded, resulting in the loss of all his limbs in front of a horrified crowd of 20 Rosevillans. Emergency services were called, and Dave's life was saved, though his injuries were life-altering. Now, in 2024, Dave is determined to face his fears by hosting another fireworks show. "I may have lost my legs and arms, but God spared my mouth and weiner, so we are good," says Dave. His aim is to demonstrate that people with disabilities can still have fun. As Dave prepares for this year's show, it’s a reminder to everyone about the importance of firework safety and the potential dangers of handling fireworks without proper precautions.
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Go Dave!