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Selfridge Air Guard's Golden Butthole Stunt Marks Lakeside Farewell

Get ready for an incredible show at the "Farewell to Lakeside Mall" event in Sterling Heights! The Selfridge Air National Guard Base is planning something daring for June 29th: a jaw-dropping flyover. But here's the kicker - they're going to fly through the famous Sterling Heights Golden Butthole. And to make sure they can squeeze through smoothly, they're using some special lube. It's going to be wild, so mark your calendars and don't miss out on this unforgettable experience! Keep an eye out for updates as the event gets closer.

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May 09

Yeah, like that's going to happen on Hall Road with one of those big ass jets. How stupid do they think people are.

May 09
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This is a parody article, not to be taken seriously.

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